Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Next Stop For HR 3101 - Full House Floor!

This morning, HR 3101 went through its second markup. It was a great day for everyone, especially the deaf-blind. Here's what happened;

- the $10 million deaf-blind provision was restored
- Rep. Baldwin suggests addition of adding captioning to Public, Educational, and Government channels.

Now it's on the way to the House floor for a full vote!

The video of the markup is here in downloadable and streamed formats:

Full Committee Markup

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  1. Hi it says Rep Baldwin's amendment was withdrawn?

  2. I just watched the video and the amendment was made into a motion to be talked about some more. They talk about this near the end and agree on the motion around 1:30 into the video. The entire video itself is 4:40 long.

    The entire HR 3101 discussion starts about 1:00 and goes for about 30 minutes. The first hour is spent briefly talking about the various bills before going into each bill in detail.

  3. Apparently she did withdraw it. I may have missed something when I watched the video. Take a look at this article:

    Waxman Says Commerce Will Look Into Access To PEG Channels
