Monday, August 31, 2009

Deaf Teacher Blogs About HR3101

Deaf teacher and New York Times author Joseph Rainmound just put out a subtitled vlog related to HR3101, Internet Captioning and HR 3101. What makes this vlog different is that he makes mention of Apple's iTunes University. This provides access to lectures by professors from well-known universities, including those from NASA and other educational features.

He said that out of the nearly 18,000 videos Apple has, only 150 have captions. Out of their 200,000 educational media, only *78* are captioned! Hulu and Fox have way more.

He even emailed them and got the same excuse Netflix gave. "Providing accessible media is tough. The technology isn't available." As he said, and we know this, that the access and the technology is already available. Even Fox, NBC, CBS, and others have proven this with accessible and captioned shows.

It takes many people to make others aware they can make a difference.

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