
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Movie Web Series - New Trend?

Is this a new trend? Movie studios producing companion web series, without captions? The Paramount Pictures Terminator Genisys: The YouTube Chronicles web series is the first one we know of. What if more movie studios begin producing and releasing uncaptioned web series in advance of theater releases? Are you going to meekly accept being left out? Are you going to accept being totally disregarded as a movie viewer and a consumer??

For all we know, the Terminator Genisys web series could just be the first of many! What if the new Star Wars movie coming out in December 2015 has a companion web series without closed captions? How will you feel about that?

If you don't complain to Paramount now about the lack of closed captions on the Terminator Genisys web series, then there is little incentive for Disney to closed caption if they do produce a Star Wars web series!

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