
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Captioning Petitions, Petitions, Everywhere!

Out of sheer frustration at the difficulty of getting the attention of certain organizations or companies, more and more people are starting petitions with the aim of getting captioning access. This continuously revised blog post will list currently open captioning petitions on the Internet. Review petitions and decide which cause you want to support! This page will be permanently linked to on the right side of this blog.

Update: Some people say petitions are ineffective. Sometimes that is true, sometimes not. Petitions are a good tool for increasing awareness.

Some of these petitions were started by Caption Action 2. Others were started by other people or organizations.

Caption Action 2 Petitions:

Paramount Pictures, Closed Caption the Terminator Genisys Web Series Now!  (Petition started 6/23/2015)

Start Captioning Smosh! (Petition started December 2014)

Others' Petitions:

Add Captions to the Rooster Teeth Website (Petition started May/June 2015)

Make E3 Accessible with Closed Captioning on Twitch (Petition started June 19, 2015)

Provide Closed Caption Devices in Every AMC Movie Theater (Petition started July 2014)

Subtitle It! (Action on Hearing Loss - UK) (Actually an online form; start date unknown)

Supply Captioning for the Deaf (Petition to Celebration Cinema in Mount Pleasant, Michigan; petition started May 2015)

Tell CNN to Stop Closed Captioning in All Caps for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (Petition started June 2015)

YouTube Gaming Must Provide Closed Captioning (Petition started June 2015)

1 comment:

  1. I'm uncertain petitions are effective, if I believed they were I would sign them,but the UK demands 100K signatures and then no guarantee they will debate or act on them, it seems an online thing with no real clout to be honest. 2 MILLION who signed for an transport issue were ignored too, what are the chances this petition will do anything ? Deaf are petition mad,but nothing has come from any of them via online. except possible some awareness. Customer complaint is by far more effective.
