
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thank Tyler Oakley for Captioning by Donating to Trevor!

By our estimate, Tyler Oakley paid more than one thousand dollars out of his own pocket to cover the cost of captioning a video backlog going back seven years. AND he did that now-classic Hear Me Out video (inspired by Rikki Poynter). Now, the international deaf and hard of hearing community has a chance to thank Tyler for captioning and for advocating so strongly for it, by donating to his birthday cause (his birthday is March 22), the Trevor Project.

What is the Trevor Project? It is a nonprofit organization that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to gay and lesbian youth. You don't have to be a supporter of the gay community to donate. For us personally, our motivation was to say thank you for captioning!

For just $5 minimum (about the cost of a premium coffee, comic book, or a pair of pantyhose), you can say "thank you" to Tyler for captioning by donating at  (To make a $5 donation, select "I'm In" then scroll down to "enter a custom amount" and enter $5.00). Prizeo takes both Paypal and credit cards. You can even leave a message (at the time of making a donation) for Tyler on the supporters' wall. Others have already left messages for Tyler thanking him for captioning, as shown below. Leaving such a message, even anonymously, is highly encouraged! You don't have to be a fan to donate!


Remember this video? It has had a huge impact on the YouTuber community! Over 1,678,000 views and still going since its initial posting on January 16, 2015! All those views mean that more and more hearing people - especially young people - are becoming aware of the need for captioning online. It has already inspired many small youtubers to begin closed captioning.  Thank Tyler by donating to the Trevor Project!

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