
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Want Smosh Captioned? Go After Defy Media!

It is impossible to get the attention of Smosh. Several people tweeted Smosh in response to Tyler Oakley's video, asking them to caption. But Smosh has over 2.5 million followers on Twitter, which means that a tweet to them never gets noticed. So how to get Smosh to notice your demand for captions?

Answer: Go after Defy Media! Defy Media is the company that owns Smosh and also, a site that also does not caption and recently started offering free movies online. Defy Media has only just over 1,000 followers on Twitter. which means a tweet to them is more likely to be noticed. Defy Media has a facebook page with fewer than 2,000 likes, again that means it is easier to be noticed.

So if you want captions on Smosh - and you should want captions on Smosh, because of Smosh's sheer size and huge potential influence on YouTube if they caption (19 million subscribers on main YouTube channel, a game channel, a cartoon channel, and a movie coming out soon), reach out to the following:

  1. Defy Media Facebook - You can either post on the page, or send a private message.
  2. Defy Media Twitter - @defymedia
  3. Defy Media's President - @keithrichman
  4. Defy Media's Marketing - @eliztesch
  5. Defy Media's Search Engine Optimization Specialist - @hotelcafejunkie
  6. Defy Media's Creative Team - @defycreatives

And, of course, don't forget the #CaptionSmosh petition!

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