
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Captioned Web TV Shows Competing for Streamy Awards!

The Streamy Awards (the web television equivalent of the Academy Awards) are back! Captioned web television programs are competing for Streamy Awards. The competition is FIERCE - and this is where the deaf and hard of hearing community can make a difference.

Why can you make a difference? You can make a difference because for the FIRST time, fans can submit shows for Streamy nominations. Shows that get the most fan submissions become one of the five nominees for each category in the Streamys. How can your fan submission make a difference? Well, did you ever take a test that you got a B on instead of an A because you got one or two questions wrong? When the competition is fierce the difference in the totals can be very narrow - and your submission could make the difference between whether a web TV program becomes a nominee or not.

You can submit as many shows in as many categories (e.g., comedy, drama) as you want! But submit ONLY shows that are closed captioned! Go to to make a fan submission. Below are known captioned shows that are competing for a Streamy award. You can submit any show from, but these are known to have already been submitted.  (Check back frequently as this list will be updated when we learn of more captioned shows that have been submitted for consideration. The last day to make a fan submission is July 27.)

  1. Black Box TV  (horror, science fiction, thriller, zombies))
  2. Clutch (action, adult)
  3. Convos with My 2-Year-Old  (comedy, parenting, family) 
  4. Emma Approved (comedy, vlog)
  5. Horror Hotel (horror, mystery, science fiction)
  6. Jewvangelist (comedy)
  7. Larps (Action, Drama, Fantasy) 
  8. Lizzie Bennet Diaries (romance, vlog)
  9. Misdirected (comedy, soap)
  10. My Gimpy Life (comedy)
  11. Out with Dad (teen, gay)
  12. Producing Juliet (drama, gay)
  13. Sexplanations (health)
  14. SourceFed  (comedy, news)
  15. Super Knocked Up (comedy, superhero)
  16. Where the Bears Are (comedy, gay)
  17. Platoon of Power Squadron (action, sci-fi) 
  18. HelLA (comedy)
  19. Entangled with You (drama) 
  20. Pairings (drama) 
  21. Gifted Corporation (thriller, international) 
  22. Autobiography of Jane Eyre (drama) 
  23. The Division (drama) 
  24. Oh, Liza (drama)
We submitted some of these shows ourselves. Again, here is the URL for voting:


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  1. Thank you so much for included Horror Hotel in your list. We are happy to close caption our series!

  2. Super-thanks for including Super Knocked Up on this list! Really appreciate it! And thanks so much for encouraging us to make sure we have all our episodes captioned! People can Vote for Super Knocked Up at It's a customized link where the form is all filled out to make it super-easy for people to vote! And please vote for the other great web series on this list too :) Thanks so much!
