
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Reading Rainbow Adds Link to Captioned Kickstarter Video!

It took a week of trying, but today Caption Action 2 succeeded in getting the popular Reading Rainbow Kickstarter campaign to add a prominent link to their closed captioned Kickstarter video! (Unfortunately, Kickstarter's video player does NOT support closed captioning and whenever there is a really hot campaign, Caption Action 2 has to ask the campaign to either create a captioned version of the video or put in an easy-to-find link to the closed captioned version).

What is Reading Rainbow and why is it important for deaf and hard of hearing children? Reading Rainbow does not teach reading; it encourages children to LOVE reading. Deaf and hard of hearing children often struggle with learning English. It is therefore challenging to teach them how to read well. At the same time, frequent, voluntary reading (not just reading for school) is the key to reinforcing those hard-won English skills. That's where Reading Rainbow comes in!

LeVar Burton is the guy behind Reading Rainbow. You may remember him from either Roots or Star Trek.

People in the deaf and hard of hearing community can become backers of the Reading Rainbow Kickstarter for as little as $1. If you are a little more flush ($375) you can adopt an entire classroom of deaf and hard of hearing children, and if you are REALLY flush ($5,000) you can adopt an entire school for the deaf!

Last but not least, here is the message from Reading Rainbow confirming they added the link today. Note their frustration with Kickstarter for not enabling closed captioning on their video player!

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